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Crematory Products

We offer a wide array of cremation memorials, including columbariums, beveled markers and crematory benches.

We are at your service. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. Together, we can design the perfect tribute for your loved-one.

Email us at [email protected]

FAX US YUR IDEAS - 404-366-2812


Single Cremation Memorials

Our Single Cremation Memorials come in two sizes:

A base of 18" x 12" x 8" for $486.
A base of 24" x 12" x 8" for $695.

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Companion Cremation Memorials

Our Companion, Cremation Memorials come in two sizes:

A base of 42" x 12" x 8" for $1,250.
A base of 54" x 12" x 8" for $1,595.

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Cremation Columbariums

Columbariums are crematory memorials. We offer a wide selection from pre-assembled to personally designed models.

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Cremation Benches
This product will be added shortly.

Please contact us for further information.
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Specialty Cremation Items
This product will be added shortly.

Please contact us for more information.
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Crematory Products Dealer
Forest Park, Georgia 30050